Dear Friends,
It is with heavy hearts that we announce the closing of Farmers Hardware after service this weekend.
We excitedly opened the doors 5 years ago with a unique concept in a quirky little 100 year old warehouse that we hoped our thriving little city would embrace. And embrace it you did! 50,000 guests visited us annually in 2018 & 2019. Then two life-altering events occurred in March 2020:
The COVID-19 pandemic & the birth of our first child. With them came a re-examination of the daily life we desire to live.
The crisis of the pandemic has forever changed the face of hospitality in too numerous ways to mention. In just the last two years we’ve had to completely reinvent our concept three times to adjust to the changing requirements of operating a restaurant during a pandemic. We have fought a gallant fight, but it has become impossible for us to provide the service and experience we always intended our guests to have.
Most importantly, it has become impossible to properly balance work-life and family-life. And so, we have come to the incredibly difficult decision to exit the restaurant industry and sell the business.
It’s been an amazing ride and we’re so proud of what we accomplished. We are forever grateful to the passionate and hard-working team that we’ve always had – we couldn’t have done any of this without them. The amount of love and support the city and our guests have shown to us over these years has been both awe-inspiring and humbling. We couldn’t be more appreciative of every moment, bite and sip you shared with us over the past 5 years. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
Sunday, January 23 will be our last day of service. If you can, please stop by for one last brunch this weekend.
P.S. We're not going away. We live in town and look forward to taking advantage all of the wonderful things this city has to offer! See you out there in the wild!